Welcome To WWW.Xmailed.com web domain. From here you can access the web sites I am currently Hosting or have helped set up.
If you need the domain Xmailed.com more than I do them please feel free to contact me and discuss buying it !! as I origionally aquired it for a specific project that I had an idea for and no longer really need it as I have decided against going ahead with that project
And a gate way to My work Web site as well as the web site of Joanna Ball Northland New Zealand artist from which you can veiw some of her art most of which is for sale.
Also An archive of files Usefull for Hacking Compaq EVO T20 and T30 Thin Clients
Hacking Compaq EVO T20 and T30 Thin ClientsAs featured on
Internet Radio with an Evo T20 Thin Client - More DIY How To Projects
Here are a few of my favourite Web sites